Wednesday, November 24, 2010

First day in Kyoto

So far our first day has been hectic, we took the early Hikari Shinkansen to Shin-Osaka and switched trains to get to Kyoto for 10:30. We then rushed to the kimono rental place to get dressed; that was a whole two hour process right there; then we took the public bus over to kokedera, though we were late so we didn't get to go inside. Instead we went to Susumushi-dera temple and enjoyed listening to the Susumushi (crickets) in their small garden and eating tradiditional sugar sweets for 300¥.

Afterwards we went back to kyoto tower for some shopping; we were complemented quite a bit and an older gentleman asked if he could take our picture with our camera, and we said sure. We have "Nihon no kokoro" or a Japanese heart.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear your having a blast - looking forward to hearing about those temple gardens

